Private LTE Solutions

Wireless Communications - Reliable, Scalable, Secure.

Our wireless portfolio utilizes the latest Motorola wireless technology to deliver cutting-edge private LTE solutions for private broadband over vast areas.
Data cost vs carrier
WiFi Coverage
Integrated Solution

Totally integrated voice and data experience that includes broadband, IoT and voice

Today, the modern enterprise has daily challenges with voice, IoT, telemetry and automation. Many of these challenges are the result of un-reliable communications caused by over subscribed and distant cellular networks, or piecemeal solutions designed for small areas. Furthermore, businesses reports a dissatisfaction with subscription costs. With Nitro, you take full control of your wireless network, bringing LTE/5G coverage to every corner of your business.


With Motorola Nitro from Branif Systems, your team is connected, always. From your team in the field with traditional radios to your management in the office. With next generation radios, such as Motorola Ion and Evolve, you can seamlessly transition between LMR and LTE on your Nitro network. In addition, iOS and Android apps like WAVE OnCloud make communication simplified with non-Motorola devices.

Connected IoT, Automation, and Security

Connected assets and devices, such as pump stations, wind machines, security cameras and more need a reliable LTE backhaul. Improve reliability while significantly decreasing wireless data costs by consolidating your smart assets to the Nitro-Private LTE network. Take it even further with powerful IoT gateway/PLC systems, like the Motorola MC-Edge, with a built-in LoRa gateway, LTE modem and a Digital Radio modem.

Public Safety Communications

As a native Motorola product, Nitro integrates with other public safety products, such as MotoTRBO, MC-Edge, MOSCAD and ACE3600. These platforms can take advantage of Nitro's broadband LTE capabilities as a primary communications backhaul, sensor/IoT gateway to aggregate third-party platforms for backhaul, or as a redundant secondary communications fail-over.
Integrated Approach

Fully managed CBRS platform for LTE voice and data

The first fully-managed CBRS platform that combines private LTE data with business-critical voice.
On-premise private LTE
With twice the capacity* and up to ten times the range* of Wi-Fi, Nitro CBRS Private LTE lets you do more with less.
Extend your devices
Deliver seamless, secure, high-fidelity voice conversations across your operation or across the country with MOTOTRBO voice interoperability.
An end-to-end private LTE partner
Because we manage the solution end-to-end, you can rest assured that all network components are tested and validated to work seamlessly together.
Full management and control
Focus less on managing your network and more on leveraging its performance. Remove the hassles of network management while enabling full control of your operation via a cloud-based portal.
Dashboard mockup
A totally integrated solutions

Powerful Hardware mated with powerful Software for high performance Broadband

The Power of Branif Systems is the unique pairing of world-class field hardware made by Motorola and cutting-edge advanced mission-specific software to get the job done, day after day, decade after decade.


The MC-Edge is a 5th Generation RTU that delivers powerful IoT capabilities as well as PLC functionalities. MC-Edge serves as a communication hub for smart sensors, with a built-in LoRa gateway, LTE Modem and options for Digital Radio backhaul.

Nitro SLX 2000 CBSD

The small and elegant SLX 2000 Citizens Broadband Radio Service Device (CBSD) delivers excellent on-site coverage, and is ideal for mounting to a ceiling or wall to complement and expand on your Nitro network.
iPhone mockup


Cloud management and monitoring of all your Nitro Infrastructure and Devices is done via the Motorola Nitro client portal. See real-time insight into performance and data usage while also managing events and alerts.

Nitro SLX 5000 CBSD

The SLX 5000 is a high-powered, compact, Pico-class CBSD, available with or without an integrated RF antenna, providing high-speed coverage in the outdoors and hot or dusty environments, and is mountable on either a wall or a pole.
Solution Overview

FAQs on Communications Solutions

Our core principle is:
What is Private LTE?
Private LTE is a network that is run specifically for the benefit of an organization, such as a utility, farm enterprise or police department. Only authorized users of that organization have access to the network. The organization decides where there will be coverage, how the network will perform, who has access and priority. This is in contrast to a public LTE network, which would be run for the benefit of anyone willing to pay the monthly fee, like Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. With the FCC’s recent ruling on rebanding and the 900MHz spectrum, Private LTE can transform your communications and connect you and your teams like never before.
What does Private LTE offer?
Private LTE offers the data speeds, technical flexibility, signal prioritization, and security necessary for the multitude of endpoints and smarter utility applications. The enormous utility data generated today and, in the future, makes LTE the most economical network to offer flexibility, scalability and resiliency. Private LTE is the most robust wireless solution with security built in for mission critical infrastructure.
How does it benefit our business?
High-capacity broadband is a fundamental part of a today's modern enterprises. While, for example, farming enterprises are integrating more technology (agtech) into their farming operations, they face headwinds with limited existing infrastructure due to their remote locations. The modernized farm of tomorrow cannot be fully realized without secure, reliable wireless broadband connectivity.
Why Branif Systems?
Branif Systems, a long-standing Motorola systems integrator and top tier channel partner is uniquely positioned to tightly integrate scalable wireless solutions. We are the only Motorola partner in the world able to offer the combined solution suite of SCADA/IoT, Professional Radio and LTE solutions to deliver a cutting-edge, unified wireless platform for your organization.

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